break free from perfectionism today

break free from perfectionism today 

Here are 3 action steps & habits you can build to break free from perfectionism today.

  1. Understand if you do not do what you want to do or have to do because your perfectionism is stopping you, you need to create a fear that you will automatically be stuck and your momentum will stop. Which then means you're going to be one step behind reaching your goals.
  2. Create a habit to do it even if you don't feel like doing it by adapting this habit in other areas of your life (For example- Your wake up time or going to the gym) This then builds a resilience within you that wipes out perfectionism instantly. 
  3. Know that if you don't take action you are not doing any good for anyone else. Don't be selfish by not posting that content on social media that could help someone else. Or not going out for dinner with a friend because your dress wasn't perfect. Every time you don't want to do something, say to yourself…”This is not for me but for them or someone else or even my future self.”


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