Time to Move?

 ⚖️  Assess your current job.

Write down what you've accomplished in the past year in your current role. Specific questions to think about:

  • Is there progress?
  • Is there growth potential?
  • Are you learning as fast as you'd like?
  • Are there no other jobs you want to try?

I think a warning sign that you're too comfortable is if you answer 'no' to a lot of these questions and you still don't want to explore a switch.

💸  Switching companies is critical for salary growth.

Even if you do an exceptional job, most companies have limits to how much of a raise you can get internally. Usually, you can only really expect a 5-10% max pay increase per year, if that.

These rules don't apply when you move companies. It's not crazy to get 40-60% increases if you join another company that has different pay standards, even if you're in the same kind of role.

🎨  The right job for you is a mix of learning and the right salary. The exact split of what's more important is different for everyone.

Early in your career, it's often a good idea to prioritize learning and growth, even at the expense of salary. Later in your career, the salary component often becomes way more important to most.

👋🏽  If salary is your key priority, the right decision is almost always to switch companies. Moving companies regularly, as long as you're staying at companies for 1-2 years, is going to net you more money-wise.

🔎  Even if you like your job, you should still play the field, passively. Speak to recruiters who get in contact with you, optimise your linkedin profile so opportunities come to you and follow companies you admire. You won't know if you're in the right job if you don't know what else is out there.


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